THE BACKSTORY: The Brown County Hour is well into its 5th year of production, and about to air our 32nd episode. The growth and development of the show has been greatly facilitated by our association with the Brown County History Center (BCHC), which has kindly provided our studio space since very early in the show.

The new Brown County History Center under construction
As you may know, BCHC has been building a beautiful new facility on their property on Gould Street, and the space is almost ready to go. The History Center and the Brown County Hour have worked out an arrangement to continue our association, and the result is a large new studio space in the new building, more than twice the size of our current studio. The room we’re moving into will be finished (ie, electrical, drywall and drop-ceiling), but it’s up to the BCH crew to build the studio infrastructure itself.
Members of the BCH production crew, Dave Seastrom, Rick Fettig (both experienced carpenters and contractors) and Jeff Foster (a guitar player who can swing a hammer with a fair degree of aplomb) have drawn up plans to create a proper recording studio by building a soundproof control room separate from the larger sound room, hard-wiring the mic, audio and computer connections, applying sound treatments on the walls, and otherwise furnishing the studio to create a comfortable, professional recording environment. The BCH crew will be providing all the labor at no cost.
Of course, we will still require a good bit of cash for building materials. So with the kind support of our friends at the Brown County Inn, Pine Room Tavern, Muddy Boots Cafe, and the Hobnob Corner Restaurant, we’re planning a special, one-night-only fundraising event to be held Saturday evening, November 1 @ 7pm in BCI’s Town Hall, with 100% of the proceeds going into the BCH Studio Fund so we can create the studio we’d like to see.
The event will be a 3-hour live version of the Brown County Hour (to be recorded for broadcast in future episodes of BCH), and will feature music performed by several of Brown County’s favorite local musicians:
- Cari Ray & Chuck Wills
- Rob Bowden & Dave Gore
- Jeb Allen & Rich Morpurgo
- Trish Rieke
- Dave Sisson
- Cole O’Day
- and BCH’s own Rick Fettig
We also plan to hold a silent auction, and offer other attractions as well. It’ll be a fun night, for sure. And since BCH is affiliated with WFHB, a 501-c3 non-profit corporation, all donations to our fund are tax-deductible.
The best parts of the live recording will be heard on upcoming episode(s) of the Brown County Hour on WFHB. So come on out, support the show, and raise your voice to help us continue the important community service we love to do!
Want to help spread the word?
Here’s a PDF promotional flyer you can print out and pass around to friends.
Want to donate to the BCH Studio Fund right now?
Write a check made out to WFHB (include a note indicating
the money is a donation to the BCH Studio Fund), and mail to:
Brown County Hour Studio Fund
108 W Fourth St
Bloomington, IN 47404
Thanks to all our supporters who have helped keep the Brown County Hour on the air over the years.
You are the community in community radio!