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Hosted by Dave Seastrom, Vera Grubbs, Rick Fettig & Jeff Foster.
First aired Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 9 AM on WFHB.
☆ In this episode of the Brown County Hour:
- Musical guests Hamilton Creek perform LIVE in BCH Studio B — interview and songs.
- Cari Ray returns with another For A Song, wherein she explores the creative processes involved in finding your muse… even with a broken leg.
- Arborist Rick Patrick shares his take on IDNR logging practices in another WoodWatch segment.
- BC entrepreneur Harry Hopkins of Brockwood Farm tells the stories of his Stall-sifter and Worm-sifter machines.
- Don Crum with info on the BC Youth Music Showcase coming up Feb 28.
- Rachel Perry shares a tall tale about love and moonshine.
- Rick Fettig with an essay on squirrels.
- Dave Seastrom delivers an update on construction progress with the new BCH studio.
- Poetry by Gunther Flumm: Voodoo voodoo.
✇ Theme music by Slats Klug & Friends.
☞ Also available for downloading/streaming at WFHB.org