Hosted by Dave Seastrom, Cari Ray, Pam Raider, Vera Grubbs, Chuck Wills, and Rick Fettig.
First aired Sunday, October 2, 2016 at 9 AM on WFHB
October is the time for the beauty of Brown County to show in its full splendor! With our hills covered in fall colors, we welcome autumn with bonfires and ghost stories…
In this episode:
- An interview with our new Engineer Chuck Wills, with a story about his grandfather and CBS Word News Radio.
- Torrie Birkemeier joins us to talk about the Community Seed Swap event on Oct 15th.
- Chuck Wills is back to tell a true ghost story.
- From the 5th Annual Indiana State Fingerstyle Guitar Fest, Jonathan Brown plays “Mr Sandman” to honor Chet Atkins.
- Kara Barnard recalls her ghost story, living 9 years in a haunted house.
- Vivian Wolf, from Peaceful Valley Heritage, talks about the Cemetery Project
- Jim Eagleman brings another nature segment, all about box turtles!
- Lynn Letsinger talks about the upcoming show at Brown County Art Gallery
- Dave Seastrom unlocks the mysteries of life with a story of brooms and telekenesis
- Rick Clayton has a true ghost story and thoughts on the other side of the thin veil
❀ A tip of the hat to our underwriter, Plum Creek Antiques, located on the corner of State Roads 45 and 135 in Bean Blossom.
✄ Engineering & post-production by Chuck Wills.
✇ Theme music by Slats Klug & Friends.
☞ Also available for downloading/streaming at