Our June episode features music from the Slats Klug memorial concert as well as an interview with his widow, Jane Mitchell. The Unusual Suspects bring us a new episode of original radio theater, and Jim Eagleman, Maggie Sullivan, and the guys from Inside Outdoors all join us to talk about nature.
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Our show includes:
- Pan Raider interview Jane Mitchell to talk about Slats Klug and we feature music from the recent tribute show at the Brown County Playhouse.
- A Good Way to Die with Robbie Bowden, Dave Gore, Doug Harden, and Carolyn Dutton
- Jack The Wonder Dog with Barry Elkins and Brandon Lee
- Early Grave, with Krista Detour
- Jim Eagleman talk about “not so native” plants
- The Unusual Suspects perform “Water Spout” radio theater piece
- Maggie Sullivan, from Friends of Lake Monroe, talks about upcoming events
- Dave interview Rich Reardon and Don Jordan from the show “Inside Outdoors”
- Dave Seastrom shares his thoughts on rattle snakes
- Pan Raider interview Jane Mitchell to talk about Slats Klug and we feature music from the recent tribute show at the Brown County Playhouse.
Hosted by Dave Seastrom, Pam Raider, Vera Grubbs, Sarah Lyttle Chuck Wills, Jim Lemon, and Rick Fettig.
First aired Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at 9 AM on WFHB
✄ Engineering & post-production by Chuck Wills.
✇ Theme music by Slats Klug & Friends.
Our cover photo courtesy of Chuck Wills